Who is Estefania Garcia? Love Is Blind season 5 star is a high school teacher

Love Is Blind brought back its wildly popular and unique concept with season 5, which premiered four episodes on September 22, 2023. The Netflix original was introduced in 2020 and became an overnight sensation, gaining millions of viewers globally. This franchise then branched out with spinoffs filmed in Japan and Brazil.

Love Is Blind brought back its wildly popular and unique concept with season 5, which premiered four episodes on September 22, 2023. The Netflix original was introduced in 2020 and became an overnight sensation, gaining millions of viewers globally. This franchise then branched out with spinoffs filmed in Japan and Brazil.

This season, 14 men speed-date 14 women from their individual pods on opposite sides of the wall, relying wholly on their personalities to connect with each other. They will only see their chosen ones once a proposal is made and accepted.

Joining the cast of hopeful lovers in the fifth installment is high school teacher Estefania Garcia. As she pursues her career with drive and passion, she also has an adventurous soul and travels the globe to unwind.

Love Is Blind: Exploring Estefania Garcia's life

Travel enthusiast and high school teacher Estefania Garcia joins the thirteen ladies on a quest for love. Her Love Is Blind, Netflix Tudum introduction, states that she's been picky of men in the past and hopes to give this process her complete focus, trusting that it'll work. She's not drawn to people who aggressively assert dominance and those who can't keep clean.

Whether she will find true companionship on Love Is Blind remains to be seen, but she seems to have found herself in her career, hobbies, and holidays around the world. According to her website, she has lived in the United States for over 15 years after moving out of her birthplace, Mexico.

Per her website update, she was pursuing a semester of teaching at The Woodlands High School as part of a larger degree she obtained from The University of Sam Houston. With an ever-inquisitive mind, she found her passion in learning about new cultures and imparting knowledge about her own by teaching the nuances of her mother tongue, Spanish.

"I teach Spanish 4 to native speakers and Spanish 3 to non-native speakers."

She also discussed how teaching was always on the cards for her—an ideal job, but it took her some time to figure out exactly what subject she thought she was an expert in to be able to help curious learners.

Along with her deep interest in languages, she feels most in her element when she's swing dancing to catchy tracks. The Love Is Blind lady views dance as "a form of communication" that has helped her form long-lasting bonds with people despite language barriers. Right at the top of every vacation itinerary for Estefania is finding a gathering to bust some moves.

"I'm a girl with a passion for exploration."

This Love Is Blind contestant, per her website, has a hunger for travel that she constantly satisfies by catching her next flight. She says she picked up extra shifts in Mexico and put much of her earnings into her holiday fund. Her escapades from around the world are well documented on her social media too.

She transformed her explorer wishes into reality by jet-setting to breathtaking locations like Greece, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, France, Guatemala, Belize, and Puerto Rico, to name a few.

Capturing her happiest moments with the planet's most iconic monuments as the backdrop, Estefania is also very observant and picks up information about the heritage of each place she visits. This multi-talented contestant is embarking on yet another journey, this time to find true love.

The first four episodes of Love Is Blind season 5 are ready to binge on Netflix, with more episodes coming every Friday.

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