Unexpected Recap 03/23/21: Season 4 Episode 9 First Birthday Failure

Tonight on TLC their reality show looking atteenage pregnancy and parenthoodUNEXPECTED airs with an all-new Tuesday, March 23, 2021 episode and we have your Unexpected recap below. On tonights Unexpected season 4 episode 9 called, First Birthday Failure,as per the TLC synopsis, Laylas birthday party turns sour for Tyra and Alex.

Unexpected Recap 03/23/21: Season 4 Episode 9 "First Birthday Failure"

Tonight on TLC their reality show looking at teenage pregnancy and parenthood UNEXPECTED airs with an all-new Tuesday, March 23, 2021 episode and we have your Unexpected recap below.  On tonight’s Unexpected season 4 episode 9 called, “First Birthday Failure,” as per the TLC synopsis, “Layla’s birthday party turns sour for Tyra and Alex.

Myrka gives birth to a beautiful baby girl. Lilly’s pregnancy hormones mean her temper might scare Lawrence off for good.”

So make sure to tune in tonight between 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Unexpected recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television spoilers, news, recaps, and more, here!

Tonight’s Unexpected Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s episode of Unexpected, Lilly is having her second child. She’s nineteen and she was having this baby with a different father. She was having the baby with her boyfriend Lawrence. This is Lawrence’s first child and he’s had to miss out on the baby experience. He couldn’t even get a traditional baby shower. Like Lilly had for her daughter Alia. Lilly did a huge party for her daughter and now for her son, she’s going smaller.

She has to because of Covid-19. Lilly and Lawrence were going to have a small party and everyone was going to be socially-distanced. They also couldn’t go into the store to mark things for their registry. They had to do everything online and so that was another thing Lawrence was missing out on.

Lawrence also had to deal with Lilly’s temper. Lilly used to be really nice. It’s what drew Lawrence to her and now she was hormonal. She snapped at him several times as they were getting things ready for the party. Lilly was being very demanding for such a small gathering and she didn’t realize it until Lawrence pointed it out. Lawrence didn’t argue with her.

He did everything she told him to do and he did so without question because he understood he was not dealing with the real Lilly. He was dealing with pregnant Lilly. Lilly herself said she couldn’t be blamed for her actions right now because she was growing a little human and so she was definitely leaning on her pregnancy as an excuse, but it only went so far.

Alex and Tyra had different problems. They weren’t going through a pregnancy. Their daughter was already born and she was turning one. Tyra wanted Layla’s birthday to be special. She wanted her daughter to look adorable with a bow in her hair and so she put in the baby’s hair in spite of meeting with resistance. Layla is one. She doesn’t comprehend what’s happening and she just knows she doesn’t want her hair touched.

Alex saw this. He thought the little girl should be left alone and he tried to tell Tyra, but Tyra told him that their daughter doesn’t get make these decisions and she was in a right in the sense that Layla is going to do a bunch of stuff she won’t like. Only the hair thing was a part of a bigger problem between Tyra and Alex.

Alex feels like he does ninety percent of the work with Layla because he’s home with her. Tyra was often on the road traveling to and from school. She was in college now getting her degree. However, Alex didn’t have this problem. He wasn’t in school and it doesn’t look like he works. He’s just home all day. He also seemed resentful of Tyra coming and thinking she knows Layla better than him.

Tyler said that sometimes he just wants to take Layla away from her. He doesn’t tell Tyra this or even tells her to back off on some of the things she wants for Layla. He just sits there and silently resents her. And Tyra notices his mood, only she didn’t think he would sabotage her and he almost did when he was one of the last people to show up at the party and he was the one carrying Layla.

Layla being late for her own party was a thing. Tyra tried to move past it and she even tried to still enjoy the party. It was Alex that proved to be an issue. He didn’t want to eat or have Tyra make a plate for him. He also didn’t want to take part in the cake cutting. He spent most of the party on the phone and that awakened real fear in Tyra because she wonders what he’s up to when she’s at school.

She suspects he’s cheating on her. She said she’s felt a great distance since she started school and she fears that he might have started seeing other girls. It would explain why she’s been feeling so distant from him. It would also explain why he’s no longer considering her feelings. Alex later claimed that their daughter hated her party and that she was traumatized by a piece of cake being smashed into her mouth because she cried a little.

Again, Layla is one. She doesn’t hate anything. She’s literally incapable of it at that age and so Alex did by saying that was hurt, Tyra. Tyra did a lot to make that party happen. She wanted to celebrate her daughter turning one because she knows she’s not there as much as she would like to be and she wanted her daughter to have pictures of them as a family. Another party that was a bust was Jenna’s baby shower.

Jenna fought to have both of her parents at her baby shower and then she got into a fight with her mother at the party. Jenna’s father wasn’t surprised. Jenna’s boyfriend also wasn’t surprised. They all feel that Jenna’s mother does this on purpose to get attention and that Jenna should take her task for it. And she never does because she makes up with her mom a few days later as if nothing had ever happened.

Jenna was now full term. She could have her baby any day now and she’s even picked out a name for him. She does need to work on her relationship with her mother, but not at this stage because the baby comes first and she already has to deal with people who don’t like the baby’s name. Jenna picked out the name Luca. Her boyfriend’s brother has a pet named Luca.

Which she hadn’t known about and that still doesn’t change things. She’s sticking with the name Luca. She also isn’t going to confront her mom and that’s what Aden wants. Aden thinks Jenna should have an honest conversation with her mom. He also said that if it comes down to the baby and deciding between its grandma or its father that it was going to be him because he’ll do away with that b*tch. Only it’s unclear whose the b*tch in the scenario.

Myrka was in labor with her baby. She originally thought she would do it naturally and at first, she thought she could. It wasn’t until her waters broke that she felt the pain. The pain was intense and she felt it all over. Myrka was in so much pain that she couldn’t even ask for the epidural. Her boyfriend Ethan had to ask for her. And said epidural was wearing off as their daughter was finally born.

Welcome to the world, Attalie!


