Twitch streamer Adriana Chechik took to her Twitter account to reveal that she was swatted while recovering from the serious injury she incurred during TwitchCon 2022 in San Diego. For context, the streamer attempted to dive into a foam pit arena installed in the San Diego Convention Center during TwitchCon. However, there wasn't sufficient padding

Twitch streamer Adriana Chechik took to her Twitter account to reveal that she was swatted while recovering from the serious injury she incurred during TwitchCon 2022 in San Diego.

For context, the streamer attempted to dive into a foam pit arena installed in the San Diego Convention Center during TwitchCon. However, there wasn't sufficient padding inside the foam pit, therefore, she ended up landing on the concrete floor. The fall caused severe injuries to Adriana's back that required immediate surgery. She is now back to streaming on a regular basis but is still healing from the injury.

Adriana Chechik tweeted that a viewer had recently called the police on her. She posted:

Adriana Chechik gets swatted (Image via Twitter)

Adriana Chechik says she had a "talk" with the authorities after swatting incident, fans empathize

Adriana Chechkik became the latest victim of swatting while recovering from serious injuries suffered during San Diego TwitchCon 2022 in October. She revealed that she had a "talk" with the authorities recording the entire incident, hoping to avoid a similar situation in the future. She wrote:

"The cops know me now. We legit talk about our life bcus this happens so much."

Swatting is an issue that most major streamers are always concerned about. For those unaware of the term, swatting is used to describe a situation in which a false police report is placed against a streamer (usually when they are live streaming) in order to garner a reaction from them or create a dangerous situation.

This is not the first time that Adriana Chechik has been swatted. In July of this year, she tweeted about another swatting incident:

"To the cruel person who swatted me trust that I will use the full extent of the law and my own money to find you and prosecute you for distress and wasted civil duties."

Fans shared their reactions to the unfortunate news and took to the replies to empathize with Adriana Chechik. Here are some notable reactions:

Many expressed strong disapproval of the dangerous prank. Twitter user @bakerbikeboard wrote:

Some shared their own experiences of recovering from injuries too. @joeyrudolph1 had this to say:

Here are some more reactions:

As stated earlier, swatting is a serious threat to most major streamers. Darren "IShowSpeed," Adin Ross, and Ludwig have all been victims of swatting in the past.

Swatting continues to be a problem, but many hope that Twitch implements some policy changes or new features that might help mitigate the risk that streamers face. It also remains to be seen if the authorities are able to track down and punish those who make false reports.

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