Nicollette Sheridan stripped her trailer on last day on DH set

Never let it be said the women of Desperate Housewives arent divas. After years of rumored feuds, catfights, and general nastiness on the set, departing cast member Nicollette Sheridan decided to go out with a really classy bang. Pissed that people didnt make a big enough deal over her departure (they neglected to throw her

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Never let it be said the women of “Desperate Housewives” aren’t divas. After years of rumored feuds, catfights, and general nastiness on the set, departing cast member Nicollette Sheridan decided to go out with a really classy bang. Pissed that people didn’t make a big enough deal over her departure (they neglected to throw her a don’t-let-the-door-hit-you-in-the-ass party), she ransacked her trailer before leaving for the final time. According to the Enquirer, she brought some hired muscle to help her haul everything possible from the place.

“Desperate Housewives” diva Nicollette Sheridan didn’t leave behind much goodwill as she departed from the show. In fact, she didn’t leave much of anything behind!

Hurt at not being given a going-away party, the bold blonde practically stripped her set trailer of items on her last day working on the show.

Shortly after filming her final episode as Edie Britt, the 45-year-old star went back to the Universal lot accompanied by her personal contractor to help load almost EVERYTHING from her trailer into his truck, say sources.

“Nicollette removed everything but the kitchen sink!” a set insider told The Enquirer. “I think she was angry she wasn’t given a farewell party, so she decided to take her own parting gifts.”

[From The Enquirer, March 30 2009, print ed.]

The Enquirer doesn’t actually say what kinds of things Nicollete took. From their phrasing I’m assuming it’s everything that’s not bolted down. But since it’s a trailer – and thus portable – a lot of the stuff probably is secured. I wonder if she actually went so far as to take furniture or the mini fridge? Or if maybe she just hauled off a television and the dishes? Talk about petty and small.

I’ve decided that most actors and actresses are the emotional equivalent of teenagers. They’ve got a ridiculous sense of entitlement and are stuck in a perpetual high school. Few of them take it to Nicollette’s embarrassing extreme though.

Here’s Nicolette Sheridan and a friend leaving My House nightclub on March 6th. That look she’s giving her friend in the picture is hysterical, it’s very “Why are you walking in front of me?” which she corrects in the second. Images thanks to

