Jenny McCarthy denies $50 mill Jim Carrey payout: Im living in a van by the river

Jenny McCarthy was a guest on the Wendy Williams show recently. Their publicist sent us a link to her video interview (above) and I was struck by how botoxed she is. Her face barely moves at all when she talks. I rely on The Soup to keep me up to date with Wendy Williams show,

Jenny McCarthy was a guest on the Wendy Williams show recently. Their publicist sent us a link to her video interview (above) and I was struck by how botoxed she is. Her face barely moves at all when she talks. I rely on The Soup to keep me up to date with Wendy Williams’ show, but whenever I see it I’m impressed with how much dirt Wendy is able to dig. She asks people the questions directly from the tabloids, and I admire that about her.

When Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy were dating (they lasted five years, from 2005-2010), there was a rumor that Jim gave Jenny $50 million in a trust for her son, Evan. (Again, Evan is not Jim’s biological son at all, he’s from Jenny’s first marriage.) Around the time that they broke up, there was another story that seems to have originated in Star Magazine (I know) that Jim gave Jenny $25 million, $5 million for each year that they were together. On Wendy’s show, Jenny denied that Carrey gave her $50 million or $25 million but she never said outright that he didn’t give her a chunk of money when they broke up. She also complained about how hard it is to be a single mom, and told a dumb story about how she sent a nude photo of herself to her son’s dentist:

On why she’s posing for Playboy again
I was so tired of just seeing the 20 year olds just considered sexy. I was like “Milfs are hot too.”

How she has “working mom syndrome” and it’s been hard on her
Evan is doing amazing. He was undiagnosed from having autism, clinically which is incredible. He’s not the only one, there’s thousands of kids that get better. It was a long journey. He’s the love of my live. I’ve been suffering a lot from working mom syndrome. I’ve probably cried ten times in the past week. I saw a tarot card lady and I was like (fake crying) “I’m a terrible mother.” As a single mom I’m the only breadwinner. I’ve been trying to balance work and being a supermom. It’s been hard on me.

On if Jim Carrey gave her 50 million when they broke up
That’s not true. I’m barely living in a van down by the river. (SNL reference.) I did not get 50 million dollars. I didn’t get 25 million dollars. I went into it going “I’m going in with is mine and his is his” and I’ve always been a really strong independent woman and get back on my feet after being kicked… you know. I’ve done it all on my own. I did not want to participate.

How she texted a nude photo of herself to her son’s dentist
So Evan had this… abscess just sticking out from his gum and I’m like “OMG that’s disgusting.” So I called the dentist… and he’s like “take a picture of it and send it to me…” I sent him a nude by accident. I swear to God. I was like with my boyfriend… Can you imagine? The guy is like 80 years old.

On if she’s planning for another kid
I want to give Evan all my attention, because I am a single mom. I think, this uterus is closed.

On her new boyfriend, Chicago Bears linebacker Brian Urlacher
I wanted to have a macho guy. I was sick of having guys wanting to borrow my makeup.

[Transcribed from The Wendy Williams show, video above]

The part where she bitched about being a single mom really rubbed me the wrong way. I’m sure she’s a hands-on mom and she tries to do a lot for her son, but she’s not earning any fans by complaining about it. The woman is not hurting for money or help at home I’m sure. She tried to make a reference to Chris Farley’s famous SNL bit by claiming that she’s “barely living in a van down by the river,” but give me a break. Also, I don’t mean to split hairs but she never said specifically that Jim Carrey didn’t give her any money. She sounded cagey to me about it. She just said she didn’t get 50 or 25 million and then added that she’s “done it all on my own.” If he didn’t give her something after they split up, why didn’t she say that?

Also, I hope she made up that ridiculous story about texting a nude photo of herself to her son’s elderly dentist. That’s just dumb.

Photos of Jenny alone and with her son are recent from this year. She’s shown with Jim in 2007 and 2009. I blurred her nips! Credit: Fame Flynet, PRPhotos and

