How to unlock the Aguda Cliffs checkpoint in Far Cry 6

The Aguda Cliffs checkpoint in Far Cry 6 is currently affected by a handful of bugs and glitches. Ubisoft will hopefully patch the issues with this Far Cry 6 location soon, but you'll need to know how to work around the problems until then. That means opening the Aguda Cliffs checkpoint with or without a

The Aguda Cliffs checkpoint in Far Cry 6 is currently affected by a handful of bugs and glitches.

Ubisoft will hopefully patch the issues with this Far Cry 6 location soon, but you'll need to know how to work around the problems until then. That means opening the Aguda Cliffs checkpoint with or without a key.

One of the bugs is that the key itself seems to be missing. It is nowhere to be found. Moreover, the soldiers meant to guard the Aguda Cliffs checkpoint aren't doing their job. Things are working for some players, but not for all.

Follow these steps to unlock the Aguda Cliffs checkpoint in Far Cry 6

The Aguda Cliffs checkpoint on the Far Cry 6 map (Image via Ubisoft)

The Aguda Cliffs checkpoint in Far Cry 6 is located north of Paraiso Lagoon in the Costa Del Mar region. As you head there, things may be perfectly normal. That means you are one of the lucky ones.

If the bug isn't happening in your game, you will notice plenty of guards defending the checkpoint. You can attack the guards and take them out before searching for the key.

The Aguda Cliffs checkpoint guard station key (Image via Ubisoft)

The key is on top of a concrete barrier across the street from the checkpoint building. Pick it up, head over to the guard station, and use the key to open the door and reap the rewards inside.

If the Aguda Cliffs checkpoint in Far Cry 6 isn't working correctly for you, you can always fast travel away and come back or save, quit, and load the game again. Some players have mentioned that working, but it hasn't been for everyone.

At that point, you'll have to do some damage. Get an explosive weapon that can do blast damage. A simple frag grenade will do the trick if you don't have anything more powerful.

The Aguda Cliffs guard station door blowing open (Image via Ubisoft)

Use the explosive weapon on the door, and it will blow it wide open. From there, you can enter the Aguda Cliffs checkpoint guard station and search for all of its goodies.

You'll find the FND cache and other Far Cry 6 materials that can be used for various things. There will also be plenty of debris from the giant explosive that took place.

This article reflects the opinions of the writer.

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