Eddie Murphys daughter, Bria, says models eat cotton balls soaked in orange juice

Eddie Murphy and his daughters have been vacationing in Maui, and as I mentioned in yesterdays links, they have been accompanied by Eddies girlfriend, Paige Butcher. The ultimate effect of this voyage is ultimately a comedic one because Paige is 34 years old while Eddie is 52, and his daughters are in their teens &

Bria Murphy

Eddie Murphy and his daughters have been vacationing in Maui, and as I mentioned in yesterday’s links, they have been accompanied by Eddie’s girlfriend, Paige Butcher. The ultimate effect of this voyage is ultimately a comedic one because Paige is 34 years old while Eddie is 52, and his daughters are in their teens & 20s while it also bear mention that Paige could easily pass for a 20-something young woman. Of course, we’d all be doing somersaults if Eddie was a female (like say, Madonna) who was dating a much younger hot piece. But in this instance, most people are likely to pooh-pooh Eddie and Paige’s age difference because — at least — his daughters are a few years younger than his lovely, blonde girlfriend. I guess Eddie’s still a comedian after all, right?

Anyway, these are photos of Bria Murphy in Maui on Tuesday. Bria is a bit of an actress, and she’s primarily a budding model with the LA Models agency. Bria certainly has a model’s body, but she’d like us all to know that she came by it honestly. Or at least, she didn’t do it like some other models are doing it. Bria claims that some of her fellow models eat cotton balls to feel full while staying thin. Mmm, low-calorie cotton! What a great way to ruin one’s digestive tract:

Bria Murphy

She may be the daughter of famous funny man Eddie Murphy, but Bria Murphy takes her burgeoning modeling career seriously. That said, she’s not willing to sacrifice her health just to achieve the perfect slim body magazines covet.

In an interview on Good Morning America that aired on Tuesday, June 11, the 23-year-old offspring of Murphy and ex-wife Nicole Murphy (herself a former model) revealed the drastic measures some mannequins resort to in order to lose weight. “I’ve heard of people eating the cotton balls with the orange juice…they dip it in the orange juice and then they eat the cotton balls to help them feel full, because the cotton’s not doing anything. It’s just dissolving. And it makes you think you’re full, but you’re not,” she said.

“Lots of girls get addicted to drugs and anorexia, it’s — there’s a whole list of things, because it’s a lot of pressure to be perfect,” continued Bria, who is currently the spokesmodel for Dark and Lovely hair products.

The stunner also shared her dream to model for Victoria’s Secret, a wish that doesn’t seem out of reach judging by the sexy bikini shots of her, taken in Hawaii on the same day the interview aired. She’s fully aware, however, that the industry she’s chosen can lead to crippling self doubt and body image issues.

“It’s your job to go into a room…and some people will just say no without an explanation, and some will be like, ‘Oh, your nose is too big. Your butt’s too big. Oh, your legs are flabby.’ Like, they’ll just go on you, ‘Oh, you need to tighten that up,’ ” she said.

[From Us Weekly]

Good for Bria for lifting the lid from within the industry, but if she wants to model for VS, she will probably end up observing extreme weight-loss measures galore. Sadly though, these statements about the modeling industry are nothing new. I’ve also heard some variants of these cotton ball stories over the years too.

(WARNING: I’m about to get gross.)

There’s an urban legend that has been floating about for years and holds that (some) models only allow themselves to get drunk by soaking their (unused, I hope) tampons in vodka, which creates the same effect as drinking but bypasses the digestive tract and prevents caloric consumption. God, this is all so insane.

Bria Murphy

Bria Murphy

Bria Murphy

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet

