Aurlia Marceau Biography: Marcel Marceaus Daughter

The daughter of renowned French mime Marcel Marceau is Aurlia Marceau. With skills in acting, performing, and creating artwork, she has garnered international recognition at prestigious exhibitions across the globe.

The daughter of renowned French mime Marcel Marceau is Aurélia Marceau.

With skills in acting, performing, and creating artwork, she has garnered international recognition at prestigious exhibitions across the globe. 

A loyal following follows her captivating work on social media. Born in Strasbourg, France, on March 22, 1923, Marcel Marceau epitomizes artistic brilliance and creative expression.

As a mime artist and actor, he became one of the most famous performers in history.

Many artists, including his daughter Aurélia Marceau, were influenced by him.

Aurélia Marceau is now an adult living her own life and pursuing her own career in art. 

She has become well known for her artwork, including production art, photos, and LGBTQIA+ Power Couples of Hollywood. 

Her work can be found on websites like IMDb and

Aurélia Marceau Early life

Marcel Marceau was born into a Jewish family in the French city of Strasbourg. Charles Mangel’s father, originating from Bdzin, Poland, worked as a kosher butcher. His mum, Anne Werzberg, is Ukrainian and hails from Yabluniv. 

Marcel, 17, during the Nazi invasion of France, moved to Limoges with his family. To aid in the rescue of Jews during the Holocaust, his cousin Georges Loinger, a member of the French Jewish Resistance, encouraged him to join. 

During World War II in France, the OJC (composed of nine underground Jewish networks) saved the lives of thousands of young Jewish people and adults.

He attended classes at Yvonne Hagnauer’s house in the Paris suburbs under the guise of being an employee at the school she headed. 

Hagnauer was eventually recognized as Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem. Marcel’s father was murdered by the Gestapo in 1944 and sent to the Auschwitz death camp. Mama Marcel is still with us.

During the German occupation of France, Marcel and his older brother Alain took the surname “Marceau” as a tribute to François Séverin Marceau-Desgraviers, a general in the French Revolution. In Limoges, France, the two brothers joined the Resistance. 

In the context of the Jewish Resistance in France, they saved many youngsters from the race laws and concentration camps, and then, upon the liberation of Paris, they enlisted in the French army. 

Marceau served as a liaison officer for General George Patton’s Third Army because he commanded English, French, and German.

Marceau claims that his mother took him to witness a Charlie Chaplin picture when he was five years old and that this experience inspired him to pursue a career in mime. 

He initially tried mime after the French invasion, when he needed to occupy Jewish youngsters to help them to safety in neutral Switzerland.

After World War II ended in 1945, he attended Charles Dullin’s School of Dramatic Art at the Sarah Bernhardt Theatre in Paris, where he learned from notable actors and directors such as Joshua Smith, Étienne Decroux, and Jean-Louis Barrault.

Aurélia Marceau Career

Marceau joined Jean-Louis Barrault’s group and was soon cast as the hilarious character Arlequin from the film Les Enfants du Paradis.

Marceau’s first “melodrama,” Praxitele and the Golden Fish, opened at the Bernhardt Theatre that same year, primarily due to the acclaim he gained for his performance in another play that year. 

The widespread acclaim Marceau received cemented his status as a legendary mime performer.

In 1947 Marceau debuted as Bip the Clown in the Théâtre de Poche (Pocket Theatre) in Paris. 

He accessorized with a striped sweater and an old, flower-decorated silk opera hat. Just as Charlie Chaplin’s “Little Tramp” became an alter ego, so too did this man’s costume transform him into a new persona. 

Bip’s travels never ended; he visited dance halls, restaurants, ships, and trains and saw everything from butterflies to lions. Marceau was the best there ever was at Pantomime. 

Marcel Marceau once told TV host Todd Farley that Charlie Chaplin was the only silent cinema actor to use mime, praising Chaplin for his pioneering work.

A few of his wordless mimed exercises that have become notable performances are The Cage, Walking Against the Wind, The Mask Maker, and In the Park. 

The author’s mockery of everyone from painters to matadors earned him the label of “genius” from reviewers. 

Youth, Maturity, Old Age, and Death is renowned for synthesizing the human aging process, with one reviewer noting, “He accomplishes in less than two minutes what most novelists cannot do in volumes.

When handled properly, silence may captivate and awe listeners as effectively as music evoking humor, tragedy, and romance. 

It can also disclose our deepest desires, anxieties, and aspirations, laying the groundwork for a complete drama.

Marceau founded his mime troupe, Compagnie de Mime, in 1949. After his second melodrama, Death before Dawn, Marcel Marceau won the Deburau Prize (established as a memorial to the 19th-century mime maestro Jean-Gaspard Deburau). 

The quartet has appeared at some of the world’s most historic stages, including Paris’s own Le Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, Le Théâtre de la Renaissance, and the Bernhardt Theatre.

In 1959 and 1960, the Amibigu Théâtre in Paris hosted a yearlong exhibition of his melodramas, which included The Overcoat by Gogol. Other melodramas he worked on include The Three Wigs, The Pawn Shop, 14 July, The Wolf of Tsu Ku Mi, Paris Cries, Paris Laughs, and Don Juan. 

The successful journey of Aurélia Marceau’s life

Marceau traveled the world performing his “art of silence” (L’art du silence) shows. Before his North American debut at Canada’s Stratford Festival in 1955, a small portion of the educated population knew him. 

His first performance in New York’s Phoenix Theatre was so well received that he had to shift to the larger Barrymore Theatre to meet audience demand. 

This first tour of the United States concluded with record-breaking returns to sold-out venues in major American cities like San Francisco, Chicago, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, and Los Angeles. 

He traveled from South America to Africa, Australia to China,o Japan to South East Asia, Taiwan to Russia to Europe. 

In 2004, he toured the United States; in 2005, he revisited Europe; and in 2006, he visited Australia. He was arguably the best mime in the world. Learning from Marcel Marceau’s Life and Work.

Marceau’s many television appearances helped spread his art to a broader audience. 

Aside from his one-man act “Meet Marcel Marceau,” which he performed on the Max Liebman, Mike Douglas, and Dinah Shore shows, he was also a notable performer on television. He performed in three pantomime concerts with Red Skelton.

Marceau also demonstrated his range in films like Barbarella (1968), First Class (1970), and Shanks (1974), in which he played both a deaf and mute puppeteer and a mad scientist. Joseph’s Gift (1998), both starring Klaus Kinski. 

A low-budget movie called Paint It White was loosely based on his life, and he had a small role in it. 

Marceau wrote and illustrated several books, including the children’s books The Story of Bip (Harper & Row) and The Marcel Marceau Alphabet Book (Harper & Row), etc. 

He sat for artist Kenneth Hari in 1974, and the resulting paintings and drawings may be found in several museum collections and a book. 

Ten of his original lithographs were published in Paris in 1982 under Le Troisième il (The Third Eye), with an introduction written by Marceau. 

In 1987, Belfond in Paris released Pimporello. In 2001, U.S., French, and Australian bookstores began stocking Bip in a Book, a new pictorial book for children created by Stewart, Tabori & Chang.

For two years, students might study mime under one of five instructors, in addition to fencing, acrobatics, ballet, and more. 

The École Internationale de Mimodrame de Paris, Marcel Marceau, founded in 1978, is an international school for mime. He set up the Marceau Foundation in 1996 to further mime in America.

Aurélia Marceau: Personal life

Huguette Mallet, Marceau’s first wife, was the mother of his two sons; he later married Ella Jaroszewicz, though the couple did not have any children together. 

His third marriage, to Anne Sicco, produced Camille and Aurélia, his two daughters from that union.

Performer who is also skilled in mime In August of 2014, Paulette Frankl published Marcel & Me: an Account of Love, Lust, and Ignorance, a memoir about her decades-long love with Marceau. 

The title of the book is Marcel & Me: A Memoir of Love, Lust, and Illusion.

Aurélia Marceau: Death

Marceau, who was 84 years old when he passed away on September 22nd, 2007, passed away at a retirement facility in Cahors, France. 

There were recitals of the sarabande from Bach’s String Suite No. 5 at Marceau’s burial. and the second section of Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 21 (which Marceau often utilized as the soundtrack for an excellent mime routine). 

Marceau was laid to rest in the Père Lachaise Cemetery, which is located in the city of Paris.

